Jamb Subject Combination For All Courses

Jamb Subject Combination For All Courses 2023
Are you wondering what Jamb subject combination you should use when registering for your JAMB exams? If yes, then you’re on the right page as this article contains a comprehensive list of JAMB subject combinations for all departments in Nigerian universities.
Students who use the correct JAMB subject combination when registering for their exams have higher chances of gaining admission than those candidates who used the incorrect subject combination.
Now that you have seen the importance of using the right subject combination when registering for JAMB, let get into the real deal here which is the list of these subject combinations.
This post will be divided into three parts which are the JAMB subject combination for science courses, JAMB subject combination for social science courses, and the JAMB subject combination for art courses.
JAMB Subject Combination For Science Courses.
- Zoology:
Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. - Agriculture:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics. - Agricultural Economics:
English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics. - Agricultural Extension:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and any of Mathematics or Physics. - Agronomy:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics. - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. - Petroleum and Gas Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. - Systems Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. - Structural Engineering:Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
- Production and Industrial Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. - Architecture:
English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology, and Economics. - Quantity Surveying:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology, and Economics. - Urban and Regional Planning:
English, Mathematics, Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry. - Estate Management Technology:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other science subject. - Anatomy:
English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. - Dentistry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and any other Science subject. - Medical Laboratory Science:
English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. - Medical Rehabilitation:
Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology - Physiology:
Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry - Physiotherapy:
Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry - Medical Radiography:
Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
*Jamb Subject Combination For Social Science Courses*
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.
- Tourism:
English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject. - Marketing:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject. - Insurance:
English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.
Use of English, History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.
- Islamic Studies:
English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects. - Igbo Language:
English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences. - Mass Communication:
Use of English, Any three Arts, and Social Science subjects. - Music:
Use of English, Music, one other Art subject, and any other relevant subject. - Philosophy:
Use of English, three other relevant subjects. - Religious Studies:
English, CRK/IRS, three other relevant subjects. - Yoruba Language:
Use of English, Yoruba, and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences. - Anthropology:
Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French. - Criminology:
English, Economics, Government, and any of History, Geography, Literature in English, French, IRK, Hausa. - Law:
English, Literature, Economics, and any other Art Subject. - Islamic / Sharia Law:
Use of English Language and Any three Art or social science subjects including Arabic or Islamic studies. - Civil Law:
English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.