How To Backup Your Phone Contacts To Your Computer Using Gmail

Have you ever thought of transferring your phone contacts to your computer because you need it for something? You cannot seem to find a way around it and you start copying the numbers to your system one by one. Boy, that’s going to take a lot of time and it will eventually become frustrating.
There’s always an efficient way to go around solving a problem including this particular Herculean task . I will be using an Android phone as an example because no one uses Android OS without having a Gmail account.
Let’s get down to business! Automatically your Android phone synchronizes your contacts with your Gmail account unless you have disabled the settings. If you’ve disabled do not panic, go to your phone settings and activate it. Sign-in to your Gmail account on your computer, click on the checked black box beside the alarm icon at the top-right side of your screen to bring out some options there.
Click on more to view further. The Contacts tab appears now; click on it to view the contacts menu.
The next page shows all your contacts (including emails) listed accordingly. Click on more at the left-side menu beneath your name to view more options; you can now see the Export option.
Click on it and you will be redirected to another page where you can select contacts to be exported. After you made your choice click on the More tab then Export, choose your Exporting file format and click on Export.
Your phone contacts will be downloaded to your computer. (If you chose CSV, Excel opens CSV)
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(NOTE : Part of the images were blurred out for security reasons).