How To Access Full Gmail Website on Your Mobile Phone

Sometimes we are out of reach of our computers and we urgently need to access full Gmail website so as to use some features that are disabled on the mobile site.
You will notice that whenever the web address for the mail is entered in our mobile browsers; it simply redirects to the mobile site and I am sure this is not what you want to see.
The page that shows up has a lot of limitation and restricted access to some useful services of the full website.
How Do I Get Full Gmail Features?
There are several ways you can get the full features on your mobile phone, these include;
UC Browser Gmail Bookmark: To get this; Install UC Browser on your phone, swipe to the left and use the already bookmarked Gmail icon on the browser.
Gmail Application: Install Gmail application on your phone and you get the-same result as the first method.
Use a Special Web Address: To get 100℅ full Gmail features and services on your mobile phone; I recommend this method. This is because with this method, you will get the feeling of using Gmail on a computer.
To use this method, open any browser on your phone and input the following address:
A Glitch About The Third Method
The third method is undoubtedly the best method to access the full website but the link provided in this post would only open a site Google called Gmail Basic HTML page. This page was the old way Gmail is displayed on a computer and it has been replaced with a more modern interface.
If you login into Gmail on your computer, it will display the new interface but if you pay attention to the bottom right corner of your account while logging in, you will see an option that will enable you to switch to this basic HTML page.
In this regard, the only glitch about this Basic HTML page is that it would not allow you to bold, align and do other formatting of your text which Gmail has allowed in the new interface.
Advantages of Accessing Full Gmail Website on a Phone
The restriction of documents attachment on the mobile site is removed.
You can track long conversion without doing a lot of clicks on old messages.
With the third method, you can do your mail search, access contacts easily and do every other things that a Gmail on computer will allow you to do.
With any of these methods, you will get the features of full Gmail website on your phone with the third method being the best.
I have been using all of these methods for couple of years and they have really helped me in my email usage. I would like you to try them and hope they are helpful to you too.