How to Reduce Android Screen Brightness Below Default Limit

How to Reduce Android Screen Brightness Below Default Mode. We all chat with our friends and browse interesting pages at night. You try as much as possible to keep your eyes open because you are enjoying a chat with probably a new girl you just met in your street, even though your phone’s screen brightness is hurting.
Okay let me say the only risk of your every night chat with this girl is the strain to your eyes as a result of long time exposure of your eye to the LCD light from your phone and not the risk of unwanted pregnancy that might result from flirting with her .
You try everything to reduce the screen brightness of your phone beyond the lowest possible level designed by the manufacturer but oops it is just not possible.
Now let me show you how to make it possible to activate night mode on your Android phone so as to reduce the excessive brightness at night.
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How to Reduce Android Screen Brightness Below Default Limit
Download Night Mode application and Install it.
After installation, Launch the application
Click on the start button and use the slide bar to set the level of brightness you want.
Apart from the reduction in screen brightness beyond the default phone setting, Night Mode also help you to save your battery if your phone has AMOLED display feature integrated in it.
Let me use this medium to remind you that Google is about to release its latest OS called Android N in October. This OS is expected to integrate night mode feature in its settings but for many of us still using Android version M and lower version; trying a third party application like Night Mode could save you from a visit to an optician.