National Teachers Institute 2022/2023 Recruitment Application Form Is Out |

NTI Recruitment 2022: It has been noted that the commencement date for National Teachers Institutes Recruitment has been announced. See the recruitment application form, organization portal (, basic requirements as well as how to apply for the NTI Recruitment 2022, and every other detail about National Teachers Institutes Recruitment Portal 2022 that you need to know.
A lot of people have been asking questions repeatedly concerning the NTI Recruitment 2022 Update, and based on the questions being asked by the prospective candidates, we have come out with a solution to answer those questions about the National Teachers Institute recruitment. Most of these questions include;
Is the National Teachers Institute Recruitment?
How Can I Apply For The NTI Recruitment 2022?
Where Can I Get The NTI Recruitment 2022 Form?
Before we continue, let us take a look at the NTI History, and how they carry out their operations.
About National Teachers Institute
The National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna is a single-mode distance education institution dedicated to teacher training. It was established in 1976 by the Federal Government, primarily because of the pressing needs in the country for trained and qualified teaching staff at all levels of the educational system.
Act No. 7 of 10th April 1978 establishing the Institute charged it among others with the responsibility of providing courses of instruction leading to the development, upgrading, and certification of teachers as specified in the relevant syllabus using distance education techniques.
Most Importantly, All application for NTI recruitment is totally free of charge. As a matter of fact, applicants who apply through the National Teachers Institute recruitment official portal, and meet up the recruitment criteria would be considered for the NTI shortlisting. Also, All interested applicants should beware of scammers. Note, NTI does not request money during registration.
Recruitments are very necessary for any organization. Note that any applicant who does not meet the recruitment requirements will not be shortlisted for the next phase of the recruitment.
All eligible applicants must have a WAEC/NECO/GCE certificate, and must not be more than two sittings.
National Diploma (ND) must be obtained from a Nigerian accredited institution.
National Certificate of Education (NCE) from a Nigerian accredited institution.
All applicants must be a graduate possessing the following; B.Sc., HND, NCE, OND and must be obtained from a recognized institution
For you to apply Successfully for the NTI recruitment, follow the process outlined below
Visit the NTI recruitment official login portal at
Secondly, carefully follow all instructions on the NTI recruitment official website.
Lastly, Fill and submit your application form
Where Can I Get The NTI Recruitment 2022 Form?
All applications are done online through the NTI recruitment official login portal at
When Is NTI Recruitment Closing Date?
Note, NTI recruitment is not currently ongoing, therefore it is advisable to bookmark this website for future updates regarding the NTI recruitment.