How to Save Instagram Pictures To Your Computer

Social media is certainly part of lives this age, our forefathers, great grandfathers, grandmothers and grandfathers missed out on so many things, they never get to experience what social media was like. Imagine if there was Instagram when Moses led the Israelites over the Red Sea I’m sure he would have taken a lot of selfies with his men and uploaded on Instagram. We would have all seen how the biblical Pharaoh and his chariots got drowned in the red sea and we would be able to save the pictures with the method I will be writing on.
Instagram is one the popular social media applications today. Some people literally live on it, some people even became celebrities by sharing funny pictures and videos on it while some people want their friends to see the latest designer clothes they wore to that party.
Unlike Facebook where people download and save pictures at will Instagram do not offer this option…but there’s a way around it.
This Is How to Save Instagram Pictures
Go to your computer, open your internet browser and visit Instagrabbr here. When the website comes up you see a space where you are to input the Instagram username of whose pictures you would like to save. Enter the username and click on ‘search’.
The account whose username you’ve just entered comes up and starts loading all the pictures uploaded by the user.
Be patient till the pictures load, click on the one you would like to save or right-click and open in a new tab.
Click on ‘Save image’ below the picture and it will open the picture in its full resolution in a new tab.
Right-click on the picture, select ‘Save image as’ and choose any folder you would like to save on in your computer.
Instagrabbr normally brings out ad pop ups when on the website, ignore or close the pop ups.
It’s that simple. Go to the folder or location you chose and open to see your saved picture.