O. T. Biography | Age | Movies | Career | Education | Net Worth

O. T. Fagbenle, after his high school graduation, had attended The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), a drama school in London.
O. T. Fagbenle Early Life
The renowned movie star O. T. Fagbenle was born on 22nd January 1981 to the beautiful family of Mr. and Mrs. Fagbenle in the United Kingdom.
Born in the United Kingdom, O. T is a United Kingdom citizen by birth as much as he is a Nigerian. Plainly, one of his parents is Nigerian.
Being born in the United Kingdom, O. T spent most of his childhood years there.
For O. T’s education, not much is known about his educational background.
O. T. Fagbenle Real Age & Zodiac Sign
Notably, O. T Fagbenle is currently 43 years old. As it was, he celebrated his last birthday on 22nd January 2023.
Acting career
He started acting at the age of 14 for the Ritual Theatre Arts and was given the lead role in an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, performing at international venues and at central London’s Bloomsbury Theatre. He trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts
and graduated early to make his graduate debut at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester in Les Blancs in 2001. Fagbenle originated the role of “Perry” in the Royal Court’s production of the award-winning production of Fallout.Fagbenle continued his Shakespearean roles by performing in Romeo and Juliet as Mercutio in a national tour culminating at the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2004. The Evening Telegraph said of his performance, “O-T Fagbenle achieves the impossible by almost overshadowing the young lovers with his inspired performance of Mercutio”.
Net Worth
O-T Fagbenle net worth and salary: O-T Fagbenle is a TV Actor who has a net worth of $6 Million. O-T Fagbenle was born in London, in January 22, 1981.