How to Leave A Facebook Group: Removing Yourself From A Facebook Group

Facebook Groups are one of the most annoying shits we have to cope with on the social network. Someone you don’t know can decide to add you to one without your permission: all you see is a notification that you are now a member of a freaky group.
Years back leaving a freaky or any Facebook group at all is easy; the steps to follow don’t require special navigations. But in recent years Facebook has re-written and re-written and still re-writing its algorithms, and this has made removing oneself from a group to require following a labyrinth of steps.
However, worry not! This post will take you through these labyrinth steps, and you will finally take a breath from freaky Facebook groups.
How to Remove Yourself From A Facebook Group
On your Facebook mobile homepage, click on Menu.
On the Menu page, locate Groups, and tap on it.
After clicking Groups, about 5 of the groups you are in will display, click on See All to see all the groups you are in.
The group I want to leave for the purpose of this post is named ‘Who am i’, so I will tap on the group’s name.
When the group page opens, scroll down to where you see a section called GROUP MENU, and tap on Info..
Taping on Info expands the menu in the GROUP MENU. Then tap on Leave Group.
On the Leave Group page, tick the box in front of the option Prevent users from re-adding me to the group.
Finally tap on Leave Group to complete the process.
That’s all! You will never be a member of the freaky group again. Repeat the process to remove yourself from other Facebook groups you don’t like.