Abdul D One Biography | Age | Net Worth | Songs | Education

FILM: Do you have the idea of becoming a hero like your Boss Umar?
ABDUL: I have a desire to be a hero, because if you see I also look like a hero! But now is the time. So, it is not in a hurry, if God wants to take you to the place you will go. And if God chooses and says that you will not do it, that’s it, there is no way you can do it. But if God wants me to be a hero, you will see that I will be.
Which country did the music industry take you to?
ABDUL: The music movement has done everything for me. But now I have not been to Niger, and here in Nigeria I have been to many places. After that, I did not go to another country, but I was not afraid to go, God willing.
What about some of your successes?
ABDUL: Successes are here in my office as you can see. I have received many blessings. These are no small accomplishments for me.
And my biggest success in life, living with healthy parents that I do.
What about challenges?
ABDUL: Indeed, challenges are being faced at the moment. All the way to success without challenges is not passed. Whatever you are doing if there is no challenge in it you just put up with it, change someone else. Because the believer is facing challenges to test your faith. Every profession has its challenges. May God bring us out safely.
Tell the readers your favorite songs that you can beat your chest with anywhere.
FILM: First I can hit the front with ‘What’s in my life’, ‘Don’t Forget Me’; The biggest and the one that suppresses them is ‘Mother’.
Have you ever made an album?
ABDUL: I once did, but not more than three. Then the one we did with them is Umar M. Shariff. Among them are ‘I Hold My Love’, ‘You Say Mine’, ‘Message From The Heart’, and ‘The Root Of Promise’ which I will do now.
Have you ever made a video?
ABDUL: I haven’t made a video, but I will soon.
In the end, what would you say to your fans?
ABDUL: I always call on my friends to meet them on modern dating sites. And be patient with us, especially at the call. And let them continue to include us in their prayers. I am very grateful to them.