How to fund PSN account in Nigeria and Unsupported Countries

It’s hard but not impossible to fund PSN account in Nigeria and other unsupported countries directly not listed on PlayStation Network. There are two ways to play games on your PS4 console; you either buy a CD or get a digital download. For unsupported countries and Nigerians, most gamers buy CDs, while the few that get digital games have to drop off their console and get charged exorbitant prices for this service.
Since I got my PS4, I bought an Uncharted 4 CD and every other game I’ve played since then has been bought online from PSN Store and downloaded digitally. This is better for me because I can easily switch between games and play on my PS4 console, those buying CDs have to go through the stress of ejecting CDs and inserting another when they want to try out different games on their console.
There are advantages and disadvantages to getting games digitally/CDs as some would argue. CD buyers will say they can sell game CDs or trade for another game when a game has been completed; while others will argue they wouldn’t have to worry about Hard Disk crashes. Buying games digitally require you have a huge volume of data and fast internet to download; if these conditions are meant I still think it’s better to download PlayStation games digitally than to buy CDs.
Opening a Verified PSN Account in Nigeria
It’s impossible to open a Nigeria PSN account. The only way to have a working PSN account in Nigeria is if you open an account with US information. You can sign up for a PSN account directly on your PlayStation 4 console if you have your WIFI connected, this step is easy and straightforward as your console gets activated immediately for the PSN account you have created.
When signing up for a PlayStation Network account on your console, select United States as Origin. Now you can select any US state but some US states get charged tax money when buying games online so you have to avoid this. States like Florida, Northern California, Alabama and Oregon do not get charged extra for buying games on PSN; use one of these and Google the state ZIP code as it would be required in the process of signing up for a US PSN account. When you are done registering you will be asked if you want to add your credit card as payment method, do not enter. Getting a US account will let you fund PSN account in Nigeria.
Buying a PSN Gift Card – Fund PSN Account in Nigeria
Now that you have a US PSN account, you will need a US PSN card to fund your Wallet in order to buy games or anything you wish on the PSN account. I’ve made purchases on Amazon and Offgamers, I would recommend Offgamers as they have more US PSN card options and you will need to register as a US resident for you to purchase the gift card on Amazon.
Sign up for an account on Offgamers, make sure to enter correct information and phone number as a code will be sent to your phone for verification.
Make US PSN gift card purchase here.
Pay with your credit card or with your Nigerian PayPal account, I normally pay with my PayPal since I have a Dollar card connected to the account.
Offgamers will send you emails when you sign up and your order details when it has been completed.
The US PSN gift card code is also completed immediately.
How to Finally Fund PSN Account in Nigeria
Since you have created a US PSN account on your console the rest would be easy. There are two ways to apply the code, you can do it directly from your PS4 console or on the web by signing-in to your PSN account. To do it on the console, put on the PS4 and make sure it’s connected to the internet. Open the store and select “Wallet” from the menu shown at the left side of your screen, select Redeem Codes and enter your 12 digit PIN. See the other way below:
to PlayStation Store.
Hover the mouse on top of your user ID at the top-right corner to bring out account options. Select Account Settings.
Enter the 12-digit code you bought from OffGamers (see image below)
Click on Continue and confirm to see funds add to your Wallet.
You can buy as many US PSN Card many times as possible, just follow the above steps to fund Wallet. You can also buy PlayStation Plus membership card to get exclusive access to top games free and exclusive discount on games on PlayStation Store. Now that your wallet has been funded, you can start buying games directly on your console from PlayStation Store. I normally download my games with Spectranet’s unlimited night browsing. See all available unlimited data plans in Nigeria.
If you really love your console you ought to have a UPS connected with it, this way you can shut it down yourself when PHCN takes power. Downloading a game while power is taken away suddenly on the console will corrupt your games.