Dana Air Online Booking – Learn How To Book Dana Flights in Nigeria

Dana air online booking is one of sure ways to fly by air to your destination in the country. Dana Airlines Limited is a private sector-owned carrier which commence operations back in 2008 in the country, since then, they have grown from strength to strength to be Nigeria’s most reliable and customer friendly airline. In this article, I will take you through Dana Air online booking process and what you need to know.
Dana Air Online Booking Process – Step By Step Guide
To book a Dana flight online you have to visit their website at www.flydanaair.com. Immediately, you seen an interface where you are to enter your booking details. Two options are shown to you – Return or Oneway
RETURN – You choose return when you want to fly to and fro from a place to place, i.e. Lagos – Abuja. You will be flown back to Lagos by Dana again on the date you fill in the Return Date
ONEWAY – This simply means you are flying one way, no return. You are only flying from Lagos to Abuja, you are not returning back to Lagos with Dana.
Fill the other options – how many adults (Age 12+) are travelling? Any children or infants? If you have none leave them at 0, if you are the only one travelling fill 1 adult.
Promo Code – Promo codes sometimes can be offered anywhere, you could get promo codes from contest and quizzes online or from anywhere. Most times these codes takes some percentage off your total charge for the flight. If you have none, simply leave the space empty and click Find Flights.
Next you are shown a page where you will choose your flight options with the charges, the default currency shown is Naira but you can change the option if you want to view your charges in different currency. You are shown each flight code, take off time, route and landing time.
You could decide to fly Economy or Business based on how rich you are. Business is more expensive than Economy, so I advise you choose the cheapest and continue. The difference are just in the way you sit in the airplane and comfort. Click on Continue to proceed.
You are now shown your travel itinerary and pricing details for confirmation. You have the option to go back and choose another flight option should you change your mind, if not, agree to the terms and continue.
Next, you are shown a page to fill your personal data for your Dana air online booking. You have two payment options for your Dana air online booking, you either Book and Hold to pay later at a bank or you Pay Now with your credit card.
If you choose Book and Hold, you are shown a final page to print out containing your Dana air online booking charges and flight details which you will need to print and take to any bank to pay. If you choose Pay Now, you are taken to a payment portal where you need to accept the terms and conditions and afterwards you enter your banking details. You must have activated internet banking with your ATM card to be able to do this, if not visit your bank to activate before booking a flight.
After all this, you get an email or SMS confirmation or for your Dana air online booking.
After paying, you get your booking details in your email or via SMS. You either print or write down your ID which will be shown at the airport to confirm your payment once again.