How do I login to Nigeria Custom Portal 2022

This question on how to login to the Nigeria Custom Portal has a question that many applicants have been struggling to understand and yet many are yet to comprehend it but here on this portal we will be helping you to get the right answer to your questions.
While going through this post we want you to understand the main reason we decided to write this guide so you could have a sound understanding of how to login to Nigeria Custom Portal 2022.
As many applied for the Nigeria Custom recruitment most times questions arise on how log in to Nigeria Custom Portal, but before we go deep on these questions there other questions that might be hindering you from participating in the Nigeria Customs Service.
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Before you check on how to log in to Nigeria Custom Portal, hope you have what it takes to log into the Nigeria Custom Portal you can now check below
How to Log in to Nigeria Customs Service Portal
To login to the Nigerian Customs Service portal, visit read the steps below to understand how to apply.
Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding with your application:
Click on Start your application button to commence your application. You will be required to register using a valid email and a password of your choices
On successful registration, a confirmation message will be sent to the email you provided.
Click on the link provided to continue your application
After successful confirmation, log in with the combination of your email and password.
You are required to complete the bio-data (personal information) section first. Without completing this section, you cannot proceed with your application.
Please complete all the provided sections with accurate information. Ensure you print out your acknowledgment slip at the end of your application.
If there is any other information you wish to know concerning this information, please leave a comment behind to let us know what we should inform you on. Congratulations on your new Job!
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